In this first study in Philippians, Paul lays out how he wants the church in Philippi to grow. We need to grow as teachers and we're trying to grow the kids we teach too.
Philippians 1:1-11
Pray before you begin and then read the passage out loud.
1. What is your definition of ‘learning’?
Paul is writing to a mixed bunch of believers who live in a Roman colony and where he and Silas had previously been imprisoned briefly for upsetting some of the locals’ money-making plans (see Acts 16:11-40).
2. How would you sum up what Paul is feeling in v1-8? You might want to read this bit again to take it all in. If you end up listing things, work out how the whole list could be described together.
3. Why does Paul feel this way? How is God central to all of what Paul is saying?
4. Split up v9-11 so that you can identify:
- What Paul prays for
- What the effects will be
- What the overall purpose of his prayer is
Teachers are in the job of children learning and growing. But it’s an inherently human thing to do, and Christians are called to learn and grow in God, not just the world.
5. Do you feel like you are growing in God at the moment? What would you like God to help you with?
6. This second model is obviously missing out on God at all stages. Why is teaching still a good thing to do?
7. What can you be praying for our schools in the UK?
Pray about these things!