Each time at Teach Feast we’re going to get into an element of what it is like to be a teacher and think about the lights that God’s word sheds on the way we live out our faith in schools. Anyone can join in this conversation and all levels of experience are welcome. Those who have been in the classroom for a while will have something to say and something to learn from those who are just starting out, and the other way around.
1. Share together: Think back to when you were in school – what were your top school day survival tips?
2. What would your colleagues or course mates say means someone is ‘doing well’ in teaching or in life in general?
3. What are your current aspirations in teaching? Is it to finish the next assignment, or the course or to hit a certain salary point or to hold a particular position? (Share as much as you are comfortable with)
Read Matthew 5:1-16 and pray asking God to help and teach you.
2. In what ways are v3-12 describing a value system that is very different from the world we live in? Do schools have similar value systems?
3. What do the ‘for they…’ responses in each verse show us about God?
4. V11-16 are encouragements to the disciples to ‘do well’ God’s way. It doesn’t mean you won’t have a decent-paying job or lead a school – you might! But, living for God may not always be easy. We are promised, however, it will be distinctive because the One who is completely good and always does right is at the heart of us. How could it make a difference to the classroom teacher to live by God’s values of Matthew 5?
Where have you got the opportunity to be ‘salt and light’ in the coming weeks?
Is God challenging you in any area to align your values with his?
What do you want to pray for?